Create a LTI link with Revisely

An LTI (Learning Tool Interoperability) is a standard with which a link can be made between two learning systems: the Revisely online assessment tool and the learning management system (LMS) of your school or university. LTI therefore offers the possibility of seamlessly integrating learning programmes (such as Revisely) into a course. In this way we can make Revisely as accessible as possible for users. That is why we support LTI 1.1 and 1.3.
How does LTI work?
You log-in to your own learning environment and from there you can easily start Revisely. You don’t not have to register again within Revisely as its automatically redirected. After completing the action in Revisely, the user data, the assignment you created or the feedback you gave are automatically transferred back to the learning management system.
What are the advantages?
1. No separate login is required for users of Revisely (single-login).
2. Users work in their own familiar learning environment
3. Processing of results in own administration
4. The integration is easy
Learning management systems (LMS) with which we can integrate

and many other platforms through our LTI integration