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Information for teachers via SOMtoday

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log in

It’s easy to go to Revisely’s correction tool via SOMtoday. Log in to your SOMtoday account. Then you will see different logos under ‘applications’. Click on Revisely. Revisely will open automatically
It is also possible to go to the Revisely website first (app.revise.ly). Here you will see several buttons at the login. A possibility to log in via Facebook or Twitter, but also a button of SOMtoday. 



Automatically your students via SOMtoday in Revisely

Revisely offers all teachers the possibility to try out full functionality of the application with a demo class with demo students and demo assignments. The best experience is of course when you work with your own students and groups/classes on real assignments. When your school works with SOMtoday, you can (in most cases) immediately find your own classes and students in Revisely. If this is not the case, click here for more information about importing your students.


Send messages to anonymous student accounts

With SOMtoday you can create an anonymous account. Revisely can’t see these emails. This does not have to give any further hindrance for students when using Revisely, but it is important to be aware that they do not receive an e-mail when, for example, a new assignment is ready. Of course, they can see this when they log in to Revisely. It is also possible for a teacher to inform your students via the message functionality in SOMtoday. This way, students receive a message in the ELO also in their SOMtoday App.

Can’t add these messages? Then go to the SOMtoday knowledge portal via the question mark in the upper right corner.