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Urkund plagiarism checker
Urkund is a fully automated system with which you can check for plagiarism. Once a student has submitted the text in Revisely, it will automatically go through the Urkund system, which compares the text with sources from the web, published material and study material, searching for similar material.
– Go to the page to check the text of your student.
– Click on ‘Correct’ and then on ‘Plagiarism’
Analysis overview
The analysis overview provides a quick overview of the most important findings in the submitted text. It shows you the number of matching texts and warnings, the degree of similarity and the submission details with information about the number of words in the submitted text and date of submission.

Findings / View the entire document
The box with findings shows how many findings of matching texts there are in the submitted text. Click on ‘View the entire document’ to examine the findings in the text with all findings highlighted in the corresponding sources to see whether or not this is actually plagiarism.
Similarity statistics
The overall agreement percentage of the text is displayed here. The second bar shows the average of the source found (the average similarity of all submitted documents).
File name, time of submission, submission ID and name of the submitter are shown here
When you click on ‘View the entire document’ for findings, you can easily compare the findings found in the submitted text from the student with the sources found.