New release of Revisely is now online!
At Revisely, we love feedback. Not only the feedback you give to students, but also the feedback that is aimed at us to further improve the application. We did several bug fixes and added improvements to increase the user experience further. The application has the following improvements:
- Added option for teacher admin role to list information by groups
Some teachers can be given an extra admin role where it is possible to view the groups and assignments of other teachers. With the ‘only my groups’ option it is now possible to easily limit the information to only your own groups/classes.

- Status team assignment is now synchronised with all team-members.
When one of the members of a team hands in a text, the status for all students in the team is then set as ‘Being processed’. Once the document has been processed, the status is changed accordingly for all team members.
- Functionality to make free annotations at the document that was handed-in
Previously, it was only possible to give feedback by selecting bits of text. Now it is possible to create a ‘free’ annotation in the document. This means that you do not necessarily need to select a bit of text to link a comment to, but that you can do this anywhere in the document. Apply a long mouse click (longer than normal) in the spot where you would like to make a comment. A menu is then displayed showing you the option to add the usual positive, critical or open comment. Use this to add comments to a graphic, photo or open space!

- Default option to let texts be handed-in as a PDF.
When a new assignment is created, the default option is set to handing in the assignment by uploading a document (Word/PDF etc.) for the students. The default option used to be ‘typing or pasting in the text in Revisely’.
- Added the possibility to allow late hand-ins for peer grading and team hand-in assignments
Previously, if an assignment had the peer grading and/or team hand-in option activated, you couldn’t activate the option for hand-ins after the deadline. Now you can!
- Alert mail send to team-members
An alert mail is sent to all members of a team if there was an error in uploading the text to Revisely so they can all take steps to remedy.
- Extra filters
We added filters in the assignments list, groups list, students list and teachers list so you can more easily narrow down your search.

- Warning message is shown when mail is not send.
Only for users with access to the beta or test environment, we now indicate clearly that mails are not actually sent to users.
- Send an email when the GPRD data is ready to download
When you request a download of your privacy-related data from Revisely, you receive an email when the download is ready so you don’t have to wait.
- Added a better download from report files
When downloading reports concerning assignments, very large assignments caused problems. We fixed this so also these reports can be downloaded without problems. - Bugfix when specifying evaluation criteria when creating a new assignment